Before you measure a file with AnyCount, you can make a number of settings in it to specify what gets counted and what doesn't. Under "Settings" in the menu bar, you can say whether headers and footers should be included and even how often (once per page or once per section). If there are footnotes or end notes in the file you want to count, you can also specify which of these it should cover, as the screen shot on the left shows.Objects that are embedded in files, such as Excel tables in Word or PowerPoint documents, can be measured, too, along with a number of other (albeit rarely needed) options like shapes and hidden text.Under "Settings", you can also choose the unit of text you want to be measured, a feature that includes words, characters with (or without) spaces, lines and pages, and define how many units make up a line or page, for example:Select the files you want to measure under "Files", check you've made the right settings and then count the files by clicking on the "Count!" icon in the menu bar.
Anycount 8 Serial Number
Putting it to the test It took AnyCount less than two minutes to count the number of characters in 16 Word docx files and calculate the overall figure and resulting cost. You can either process this data yourself or get AnyCount to export it to a file format like Excel to make a printout. If you have configured a template for invoicing in the program, you can even get AnyCount to create an invoice automatically using the data. It can save you a lot of time by automating such data-processing steps.What I like about version 8 of the tool is that...
There are so many online dictionaries around these days that it's hard to know which ones to use. I've collated a good number of monolingual and bilingual resources I can recommend to translators working in English and German on my website. Click here to view them. A few dictionaries in other languages such as French and Danish are also included.See this page of the website for links to English glossaries on business, politics, humanities and technical fields.Links to patent-related terminology are also listed on a page of their own.Online dictionary of the week: Tureng. This site actually offers four bilingual dictionaries (German - English, Turkish - English, Spanish - English and French - English) plus an English synonym dictionary. They're all free to use. I've often found the German-English one helpful.
and I am looking for a way to count the number of True in the list (so in the example above, I want the return to be 3.) I have found examples of looking for the number of occurrences of specific elements, but is there a more efficient way to do it since I'm working with Booleans? I'm thinking of something analogous to all or any.
Quantity words are used to add information about the number or amount of the noun. Some quantity words can only be used with countable singular nouns (e.g., computer, pen, and crayon), some can only be used with countable plural nouns (e.g., printers, flashdrives, and keyboards), some can only be used with uncountable nouns (i.e., paper, ink), and some can be used with both plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns.
Between 2009 and 2020, 1,363 people in the United States were killed and 947 more were wounded in 240 mass shootings, an average of 20 shootings each year. Among the casualties were at least 362 children and teens killed as well as 21 law enforcement officers killed and 35 wounded. These numbers are staggering, yet they represent just a small portion of the lives forever changed after a mass shooting shakes a community with terror and grief.
Assault weapons are generally high-powered, semiautomatic firearms designed to fire rounds at a greater velocity than most other firearms, and, when combined with high-capacity magazines, they enable a shooter to fire a devastating number of rounds over a short period. In the 12 years from 2009 to 2020, there were at least 30 mass shootings (16 percent of those with known weapon data) that involved the use of an assault weapon, resulting in 347 deaths and 719 injuries. In other words, mass shootings that involved an assault weapon accounted for 25 percent of all mass shootings deaths and 76 percent of injuries. While not used in the majority of mass shootings, when they were, it left six times as many people shot per incident than when there was no assault weapon.15Mass shootings involving assault weapons resulted in an average of 11.6 people killed and 24 people wounded per shooting, compared to 4.8 people killed and 1.1 people wounded when other guns were used.
That is, a variable "per capita income" is created by dividing the total income by the number of household members. Of course, operators and other arguments may be combined, and parentheses can be used to clarify the order in which operators are supposed to work.
The previous sentence shows, even though implicitly, that generate and replace can be combined with an if clause (just as almost any other Stata command can). Consider the following real-life example: In surveys, respondents are often asked about their income. If they do not want to give an exact figure, they are asked whether their income is within a certain income bracket; this often triggers a considerable number of additional, albeit somewhat less exact, answers. Let's assume that the exact answers are stored in variable income_1 and the categorized answers in income_2. Those respondents who have given an exact answer have value 98 in income_2, whereas all who have given a categorized answer have a value less than that (say, from "1" for "0 to 300 Euros" to 15 for "more than 10,000 Euros"). Now, you may wish to combine both types of answer into a single variable:
(Note that this example may be incomplete; it's just a very brief demonstration). More about "conditional" transformations will follow in the next section but one. But first, let's give an overwiew of the symbols used for comparing variables or numbers (relational operators) and for writing "and" and "or".
Often, conditional transformations are used to create indicator variables, that is variables coded "1" to denote the presence of a property and "0" to denote its absence (sometimes, particularly in the context of regression models, such variables are termed "dummy variables"). Continuing the example of marital status and family (or household) type, we might for some reason have to create a variable that just indicates whether or not a person is married. This might be done in a number of ways, but it would be natural to use a conditional transformation here, for instance:
The expression [_n+1] means that the value of the variable "income" of the following row (=the male's partner) is to be allocated to the variable "pincome"; [_n-1] will work in analogous ways. You may also use numbers other than 1 if cirumstances demand it.
Assume that there are data for five household members stored in variables "pers1" to "pers5", classified by age, with a value of 1 indicating that it is a child under 14. Now variable "nkids" will yield the number of children among these five household members.
This will store the number of missing values that occur in the variables listed in variable "nmiss". The function rownonmiss is available as well. Note that if, for whatever reason, a variable is included twice (or even more frequently) in the list (as in rowmiss(x1 x2 x2 x3)) this will not result in an error. Rather, the variable will be indeed counted twice (or more frequently). In the example just presented, a case with a missing value in x2 would have a value of 2 in the pertinent variable.
A number of functions for egen are particularly useful when combined with the by prefix, inasmuch as they refer to all cases, which, in combination with by, means all cases with the same value in the variable that follows the prefix. Thus,
So based on this would you still recommend the commercial SQ over the 2019 TC? Looks like you still recommend the MVWP575G as your number one pick? Trying to decide, like that SQ build quality might be more well known for the long term, but obviously want something that does the best cleaning since I have a 1 year old baby ?
To avoid creating a fictitious impression of precision and accuracy when computing APC, report only the first two significant digits. Round off to two significant figures only at the time of conversion to SPC. For milk samples, when plates for all dilutions have no colonies, report APC as less than 25 colonies estimated count. Round by raising the second digit to the next highest number when the third digit is 6, 7, 8, or 9 and use zeros for each successive digit toward the right from the second digit. Round down when the third digit is 1, 2, 3, or 4. When the third digit is 5, round up when the second digit is odd and round down when the second digit is even.
Spiral plater inoculates surface of prepared agar plate to permit enumeration of microorganisms in solutions containing between 500 and 500,000 microorganisms per ml. Operator with minimum training can inoculate 50 plates per h. Within range stated, dilution bottles or pipets and other auxiliary equipment are not required. Required bench space is minimal, and time to check instrument alignment is less than 2 min. Plater deposits decreasing amount of sample in Archimedean spiral on surface of prepoured agar plate. Volume of sample on any portion of plate is known. After incubation, colonies appear along line of spiral. If colonies on a portion of plate are sufficiently spaced from each other, count them on special grid which associates a calibrated volume with each area. Estimate number of microorganisms in sample by dividing number of colonies in a defined area by volume contained in same area. Studies have shown the method to be proficient not only with milk (4) but also with other foods (7,10). 2ff7e9595c