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Acupuncture 1 2 3 by Richard Teh-Fu Tan: A Practical Guide for Clinical Use (PDF)

The strategy of the 12 Magical Points is geared at treating complex internal disorders, such as fibromyalgia, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Brackets editor download for mac. Addressing cases without pain, with moving pain, or pain in several channels, this manual focuses on the twelve meridians through the use of twelve needles to provide a targeted and unique treatment approach. Case studies are included in this easy-to-use handbook.

acupuncture 1 2 3 richard tan pdf download

However, the studies of Schroeder et al., using a mathematical approach to calculate theoretical options based on historical systems, suggested that there are many more treatment options than normally expected.3,26 These options have been considered in Japanese meridian therapy by including the Five-Phase relationships.11,12,14 Thus, pulse analysis and meridian palpating are the main ways to select appropriate treatment among these many options. In addition, the balance method does not address the coupling between Back Shu and Front Mu acupoints, which is, however, an important concept in TCM (based on Zang Fu theory) and, in Japanese acupuncture, for selecting root (Ben) supplementary acupoints.12

A middle-aged male lay comatose in the intensive care unit of a local hospital, with unstable vital signs, trauma to the right cerebral hemisphere, and a fever of 106 degrees. The hospital staff does everything in its power for eight solid days, but the patient continues to decline. By request of the family I was granted permission to treat this man with acupuncture. Due to the complexity of the case, and because I was limited to the areas of the body where I could place needles, the 12 magic points seemed ideal. I chose to use the following five transporting points below the knees and elbows, from jing well to he sea:

I chose to treat her primary complaint, headache, for which she returned for regular acupuncture treatments. After just six weeks using 12 magic points, the intensity, frequency and headache recovery times diminished progressively, until she became completely headache-free. In addition, she came to me with the exciting news that she had become pregnant while under my care! The 12 points had performed their magic once again.

For nearly three years, I have had the opportunity to apprentice with Dr. Richard Tan. I have watched him test and develop new acupuncture strategies using his systems of the balance method, seasonal and timing theories, concepts from the I Ching Ba Gwa, Master Tong points, and Chinese astrology ba zi. Drawing from these rich sources, he continually reinvents new acupuncture treatment strategies.

Right now the focus is to provide a comprehensive guide to the acupuncture meridians of the body. I also hired a professional artist to create images of each meridian that are free to view on the website, or you can purchase it in ebook format if you want.

Thank you for posting these gold mine informations trying to assist and help humanity, thank you so much.. may I ask you peter is there anyway I could help to assist my nephew 10 years old with specific acupuncture pts ( minimal ) he has seizures or epilepsy they are becoming too frequents (nothing showing in the brain any sign of damage or injury) I attended dr . Tan core foundation seminars could I help with that? Your advice would be much appreciated and thank you once more

I stumbled upon these beautiful resources by accident. I was trying to research a little about Dr. Tan on his passing (RIP). I had heard so much about him from my acupuncture colleagues but had never met him or studied any of his courses. In doing so I somehow clicked on to your site- what a wonderful start to the new year.! They will always remind me of the death of Dr. Tan and his legacy.I have printed off the resources and hope to study them in more depth.Thank-you

Dr. Chao Chen is a living legend in the Asian acupuncture community, and is famous for developing an application of ancient acupuncture principles based on the I Ching, which is renowned for quick and immediate results.googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('article_rectangle'); ); Many well-known people from all walks of life have experienced the work of Dr. Chen, including former Los Angeles mayor, the late Thomas Bradley; tao master Bao Lin Wu; and world-renowned teacher Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan. Dr. Tan has stated at his workshops that he deeply studied Dr. Chen's work, and credits it as the foundation of his own treatment methods.

Born in Wenjou, China in 1925, and later moving to Taiwan to avoid the Communist takeover, Dr. Chen began his professional career as a mechanical engineer. His wife mentioned that there was an acupuncture class being held nearby. Dr. Chen decided to attend the class in the evenings, and fell in love with this healing art. During his studies, he heard about a local ba gua acupuncture master, and decided to observe the master in his clinic. Dr. Chen was impressed with the results he witnessed, and asked if he could learn the master's method. The master replied that it was tradition to only teach family members and regretted he could not share his knowledge. Nevertheless, the two became friends over the years, and Dr. Chen was able to determine that the ba gua acupuncturist was using primarily one classic method from the Nei Jing: contralateral point selection.

Dr. Chen realized the Nei Jing was based on the principles of the I Ching or Book of Changes (Yi Jing). He committed himself to studying this ancient classic book and integrating its principles to the practice of acupuncture. He practiced and studied all of the traditional methods of Chinese medicine, including zang-fu; the Five Elements; the secondary vessels; zi wu liu zhu; and ling gui ba fa. Through daily meditation, study of the I Ching and his own knowledge of science and computers, Dr. Chen began to develop a system that integrated all aspects of acupuncture and I Ching theory. In 1975, Dr. Chen wrote Essence of Acupuncture Therapy as Based on Yi King and Computers, a thesis for the 1976 International Acupuncture Congress. Dr. Chen was asked to lecture about his book in Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and was an instant success in those communities. This little book was the basis of what would become one of the most influential systems of acupuncture in the 1990s and into the 21st century.

Ba means "eight" and gua means "sign" or "signal." The eight trigrams or guas are presented above. Each gua is a code reflecting universal macrocosmic and microcosmic energies, influences and relationships. This ba gua is the basis for Dr. Chen's "balance" method. Note the exact opposite ba gua pairs; each is an inverted mirror of the other. If you examine qian (1) and kun (8), you will note that the lines are opposite; qian contains all yang lines and kun all yin lines. Together, they are a pair, like a lock and key, fitting together perfectly and reflecting one expression of balance. Another way to view balance is by counting the number of lines in each opposite pair: They all add up to nine. For example, li (3/Fire) has four lines and kan (6/Water) has five, the sum of which equals nine and reflects balance. Each gua is the inverted opposite of its pair, and each sums to nine. This opposing balance relationship can be found in the I Ching, and the balance method applies this universal principle to acupuncture practice. This ba gua also includes the concept of opposite anatomical balance.

The theoretical basis of I Ching acupuncture begins with The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine (Nei Jing). Chapter 25 of the Nei Jing states: "Man corresponds with nature: In heaven, there are Yin and Yang, in man, there are 12 large joints of the limbs," and "When one understands the principles of the 12 joints, a sage will never surpass him." Chapter 27 of the Nei Jing states: "Diverse pricking to the right side or to the left, contralateral insertion of pricking the upper part to cure the lower disease, and pricking the left side to cure the right." These principles are the basis for the lower left part of the body treating the upper right side and the upper right side treating the lower left, the lower right side treating the upper left and the upper left treating the lower right. This is the foundation of Dr. Chen's balance method.

In classical Zi Ping Chinese astrology (Four Pillars of Destiny), there is a principle called the Six Combinations. This principle explains special relationships between the 12 earthly branches or zodiac animals. Six pairs of two branches combine with each other, creating an energetic relationship of connection. The Shou Gua (Ten Wings) of the Yi Jing or Book of Changes states: "It is natural that the eight guas (primal forces) move and exert themselves so that things undergo change and transformation, and they exchange places with one another. ... The eight guas combine with each other in this way." It is these principles from the Yi Jing, Nei Jing and Zi Ping that provide the classical foundational theory for the clinical application of using the ankle to treat the wrist; the elbow to treat the knee; and the shoulder to treat the hip. These energetic anatomical relationships are reflections of ba gua theory, in which each relationship gives balance to the other. For instance, if we treat the knee, it balances the elbow. There is an energetic relationship between these areas of the body like internal pathways connecting organs to channels. In this balancing method, one needle is often used to balance the energy of the opposite area, often resulting in immediate relief of pain. Dr. Chen has over 30 years of clinical experience with this method, and has found it to be a most powerful and effective method of acupuncture.

Yi Jing theory reflects the multidimensional aspect of life. Oriental medicine, having its roots in Yi Jing theory, also contains many models of viewing life. Wu Ji; Yin-Yang; Tai Ji; the Five Elements; Six Channels; Ba Gua; Ten Heavenly Stems; Twelve Earthly Branches; and the Jia Zi cycle of sixty are among the different ways of viewing a given situation, just as urinalysis; blood tests; X-rays; MRIs; and CAT scans are different ways of viewing the human condition. Dr. Chen realized that an effective treatment method usually included point(s) that are effective according to multiple models of acupuncture. This realization became the foundation for the balancing method. For example, if one has pain in the area of Large Intestine 11 (qu chi), one balancing point is contralateral at Stomach 35 (du bi) according to anatomical relationships, as well as the yang ming channel connection of hand and foot. If we look deeper, we can see at least six acupuncture theories that explain why this point is effective: 2ff7e9595c

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